Conservative Caravan: “The Politics and Values of Conservatism”

On Thursday, 19.11.2020 at 19:00 at the Civic Resource Center in Shtip the Sarissa Institute will hold an event “Politics and values of conservatism”, Conservatism – Amalgam for the new and the old. This event is the first part of the Conservative Caravan planned to travel to several cities across the country. At the event, domestic and foreign speakers will talk about political philosophy, ideology in the Macedonian society, as well as, present the plans and programs of the Sarissa Institute.
Having in mind the limited number of places for physical presence due to the observance of the protocols for prevention from Covid-19, the Sarissa Institute online presence and interaction of the event via Zoom at the following link:
Meeting ID: 832 9436 3109.
For more information, please contact